Cancer Insurance | Aflac

Cancer Insurance | Aflac

Cancer/Specified-Disease Insurance

Get help coping with the financial and emotional effects of cancer.
cancer insurance illustration

Here's what you need to know

While major medical insurance can help with the costs of cancer treatment, you may still have out-of-pocket expenses that may not be covered by your major medical insurance, including travel, food, lodging, child care, and household help. Meanwhile, living expenses, such as car payments, mortgage or rent payments, and utility bills continue, whether or not you are able to work. And if a family member has to stop working to take care of you, the financial impact may be even greater.


The cancer/specified-disease insurance policy:


  • Has no deductibles or copayments - You do not have to meet a deductible before benefits are paid, nor do you have to pay a copayment.
  • Is portable - You can take it with you if you change jobs or retire.
  • Is guaranteed-renewable - You can keep the policy as long as you pay the premiums.
  • Has no network restrictions - You choose your own medical treatment provider.
  • Rates are stable year over year - Aflac has not increased its rates on existing policyholders for over 65 years.


Aflac pays cash benefits directly to you, unless assigned otherwise. This means you can have additional resources to help with the financial expenses of cancer that may not be covered by major medical insurance.

Despite the best efforts of doctors, researchers, and countless organizations, cancer remains a concern for many individuals and families. People from all walks of life are at risk regardless of age, sex, or ethnic background.


Cancer insurance helps you and your family better cope financially and emotionally if a positive diagnosis of cancer ever occurs.

Available anytime!


How It Works

Number one Enroll now icon

You enroll for cancer insurance

Number two doctor chart icon

Test results reveal a cancer diagnosis

Number three hospital icon

You begin treatment

Number four moneybag icon

You receive a cash benefit that can be used however you decide

You come down with a fever and go in for some tests.

Are You Ready To Apply?

Contact Aflac for enrollment assistance. 

Do You Need Help?

Our team is ready

M-F 8a-9p ET

Phone Number: 1-517-290-4892


  • Legal Disclaimers

    This is a brief product overview only. Coverage may not be available in all states. The policy has limitations and exclusions that may affect benefits payable. Refer to the policy for complete details, limitations, and exclusions. For costs and complete details of the coverage, please contact your local Aflac agent.


    (In Idaho, Policy A76100ID. In Oklahoma, Policy A76100OK)


    Coverage is available and underwritten by American Family Life Assurance Company of Columbus. For residents of New York, coverage is available and underwritten by American Family Life Assurance Company of New York (Aflac New York).


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